Welcome to Phoenixville Public Library’s 2024 Adult Summer Reading Gift Card Raffle!

* Program runs June 17 – August 17. You must be at least 18 years old to qualify.
* Read any book or listen to any audiobook from any Chester County library or the Library System OverDrive catalog.
* Check in your book or audiobook at the Circulation Desk in the Adult Library or show us your current eMedia checkouts at the Circulation Desk.
* Request a book review card for each title you check in or are listed in your eMedia loans. Alternatively, you may request cards at time of checkout. You must complete both sides of each card.
* Each book review card doubles as an entry form for weekly raffle drawings for gift cards to local restaurants and merchants and special library-themed merchandise. Plus, for each book/audiobook you check out from any of Phoenixville Library’s book display areas – including the “new items” shelves — you’ll receive a bonus raffle entry card. The more books/audiobooks you read and check in, the more chances you’ll have in each drawing. You may hold onto your cards and submit them for a later drawing, if you wish.
* Place completed book review cards in the designated box at the Adult Library Information Desk.
* Raffle winners will be contacted by phone and e-mail.
* We will post selected reviews and display your best-loved books in the Library throughout the summer.
* For more information, see Mark Pinto, Adult Services Librarian, call 610-933-3013, Ext. 132, or e-mail mpinto@ccls.org.
Weekly Prize Drawings
Drawing Date Gift Card Prize
June 22 Bridge Street Chocolate ($40)
June 29 Rec Room ($50)
July 6 Brown’s Cow ($40)
July 13 Bistro on Bridge ($50)
July 20 Reads & Company ($40)
July 27 Rivertown Taps ($50)
August 3 Nudy’s ($40)
August 10 Colonial Theatre ($50)
August 17 Wawa ($60)